EAGLE Dissemination Latest news from ESCP
Birmingham Centre for Observational and Prospective Studies
Institute of Applied Health Research University of Birmingham Edgbaston, BIRMINGHAM
B15 2TT    
Dear Colleagues,
EAGLE 2 Launch
We are approaching you on behalf of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP). Following the publication of your EAGLE RCT, we are delighted to announce the launch of EAGLE 2.  
EAGLE 2 will be a snapshot audit of patients undergoing right sided bowel anastomosis, BUT restricted to units who undertake the EAGLE online training. This training may have already been done, or surgeons in your team may complete it between now and May 2024.
 A key finding from the EAGLE study was that in centres where most surgeons undertook the training, the anastomotic leak rate fell by almost 50%. We need your help to grow engagement across as many hospitals as possible, so we can validate this finding.
We anticipate that EAGLE 2 will recruit patients between May - June 2024 with participating centres collecting data for eight weeks. There will be no randomisation or change to the standard of care at patient level, and no accessing of patient identifiable data outside of the clinical care teams. 
The results will be submitted to the BJS for publication after presentation at the ESCP conference in Greece (September 2024).
The training platform is available – open access – at https://eagle-escp.eu.com/. 
We will be holding a launch webinar on 01st February at 15:00 GMT to discuss the study and seek your support. Please register your interest here.
We would be delighted to hear directly from you or answer any questions you may have (eagle@contacts.bham.ac.uk).
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Dion Morton                                
Prof. Simon Ng                          
Prof. Alaa El-Hussuna
On behalf of the EAGLE Management Group

張貼日期: 2024/01/16 最新編輯: 2024/05/01


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